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Immerse yourself in real village life

A unique and immersive experience

For many years we’ve offered a day trip to Duong Lam Village. It’s some 55km away from Hanoi city and always well-received by our guests.

It’s a delightful ancient village with a history going back over 1000 years. It has ancient houses some of which are around 400 years old. One special thing about the village is that most of the buildings here are made of laterite and mud, two materials that are abundant in the area. Laterite is used on house walls, gates, wells, temple walls, and so forth. The mud is taken from ponds. Apart from its historical and tourism values, Duong Lam ancient village is an important place for scientists to study resident communities in ancient agriculture.

The village gate, banyan, well, communal house are important factors in classifying Duong Lam ancient village. Two of Vietnam’s kings, Phung Hung (761-802) and Ngo Quyen (896-944) were born in Duong Lam, giving the village its prestige. Both men led resistance wars against northern invasion and after winning national independence, were crowned kings.

We of course spend a few hours there and we’re always flexible as to whether you prefer to walk, drive, cycle or even some of each. Your private guide will arrange the day as you wish.

Instead of driving straight back to Hanoi – and so you get a better experience in our new world of more local and sustainable activities – we suggest combining this with staying at the nearby hamlet of Ky Son.

There’s a wonderful home-stay in Ky Son which we definitely recommend to stay for one or two nights.

Arrive at Moon Garden Homestay by mid-late afternoon. Be shown to your private accommodation and sip on a sundowner before a refreshing, herbal steam bath.That leads nicely to dinner, authentic and beautifully cooked by the owners. Enjoy a peaceful night sleep and then refreshed to the next day (or two) in and around the village and local countryside.

You might get immersed with farming. Depending on season, have a go at planting rice. Or harvesting it.

How about a cooking class using locally grown produce, and then enjoying the food you’ve learned to cook?
Families like to visit a local school and understand how kids learn in a totally different setting. Or just chill for a few hours. Or combine all the above. It’s your holiday – we’re here to help you get the best from it, in a way that’s both responsible and sustainable.

Contact us now for some outstanding ideas!

Key Points

  • Your own social bubble in all private transportation
  • Spacious vehicles to maintain distancing
  • Stay 1 or 2 nights
  • Immersive hands-on things to try
  • Be as active or relaxed as you feel